AIBS'02 Weizmann Institute of Science

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Daniel Sieff Institute, 1934 - precursor of the Weizmann Institute of Science

Scientific Committee:
Shmuel Pietrokovski, Hanah Margalit,
Daniel Fischer, Haim Wolfson
Local Committee:
Shmuel Pietrokovski, Chair
Ron Pinter, Co-chair
Joel Sussman, Marvin Edelman, Eitan Rubin

Academic Supporters: Weizmann Institute of Science
The Maurice and Gabriela Goldschleger Conference Foundation at the Weizmann Institute of Science
The Kimmelman Center of Biomolecular Structure and Assembly
The Crown Human Genome Center
The Arthur and Rochelle Belfer Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science
Faculties of the Life Sciences
INN - The Israeli National Node

Commercial Sponsors:
Atlas Cray IBM SGI-Israel Spotfire PharmaJob

Conference Coordinators:
Janet Kiesari
Conference Coordinator
Weizmann Institute of Science
Rhoda Frydman
Bioinformatics and Biological Computing Unit
Weizmann Institute of Science

Last modified: 06/28/2017 18:07:20

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