PDB Short entry for 4WZ7
HEADER    OXIDOREDUCTASE                          2014-11-18  XXXX              
AUTHOR    C.WIRTH, V.ZICKERMANN, U.BRANDT, C.HUNTE                              
JRNL        AUTH   V.Zickermann, C.Wirth, H.Nasiri, K.Siegmund, H.Schwalbe,     
JRNL        AUTH 2 C.Hunte, U.Brandt                                            
JRNL        TITL   Structural biology. Mechanistic insight from the crystal     
JRNL        TITL 2 structure of mitochondrial complex I.                        
JRNL        REF    Science                       V. 347    44 2015              
JRNL        REFN        SCIEAS  US      1095-9203                               
JRNL        PMID   25554780                                                     
JRNL        DOI    10.1126/science.1259859                                      
CRYST1  317.740  317.740  818.970  90.00  90.00 120.00 H 3 2        18          
SCALE1      0.003147  0.001817  0.000000        0.00000                         
SCALE2      0.000000  0.003634  0.000000        0.00000                         
SCALE3      0.000000  0.000000  0.001221        0.00000