BALLView is an open source, extensible tool for visualizing and modeling bio-molecular structures. It provides a variety of different models for bio-molecular visualization. In contrast to most existing visualization tools, BALLView also offers rich functionality for molecular modeling and simulation, including molecular mechanics methods (AMBER and CHARMM force fields), continuum electrostatics methods, and secondary structure calculation. It is scriptable program that can be extended using the Python language.

open in new window BALL project web site.
Last update: 16 Feb 2010, Version 1.3.2
Platforms: Windows, Mac OSX, Linux, UNIX  
Charge: free
Documentation: open in new windowManual  
The development of BALL started at the Max Planck Institute for Computer Science in the group of Kurt Mehlhorn under the guidance of Hans-Peter Lenhof. It is currently being maintained at the Center for Bioinformatics Saar and the Zentrum für Bioinformatik Tübingen by the groups of Oliver Kohlbacher and Hans-Peter Lenhof.