Binding Site Prediction and Docking

The interaction between proteins and other molecules is fundamental to all biological functions. In this section we include tools that can assist in prediction of interaction sites on protein surface and tools for predicting the structure of the intermolecular complex formed between two or more molecules (docking).

Pockets Identification

open in new windowCASTp
Automatic Identification of pockets and cavities in proteins structure, and quantitation of their volumes using Delaunay triangulation. Available also as PyMOL plugin
open in new windowPocket-Finder
Automatic identification of pockets and cavities in proteins structure, and quantitation of their volumes.
open in new windowPocketPicker
Grid-based technique for the analysis of protein pockets. PocketPicker available as a plugin for PyMOL

Binding Site Prediction

open in new windowConSurf Identification of functional regions in proteins by surface-mapping of phylogenetic information
open in new windowCRESCENDO Identification protein interaction sites. It uses sequence conservation patterns in homologous proteins to distinguish between residues that are conserved due to structural restraints from those due to functional restraints.
Ligand Binding Sites
open in new window3DLigandSite The server utilizes protein-structure prediction to provide structural models of the binding site. Ligands bound to structures are superimposed onto the model and use to predict the binding site.
open in new windowFINDSITE A threading-based method for ligand-binding site prediction and functional annotation based on binding-site similarity across superimposed groups of threading templates.
open in new windowLIGSITEcsc
Prediction of binding site by pocket identification using the Connolly surface and degree of conservation
open in new windowmetaPocket A meta server for ligand-binding site prediction. metaPocket use LIGSITEcsc, PASS, Q-SiteFinder and SURFNET

Protein-Protein Interaction Sites

open in new windowcons-PPISP A consensus neural network method for predicting protein-protein interaction sites
open in new windowHOMCOS A server to predict interacting protein pairs and interacting sites by homology modeling of complex structures
open in new windowHotPOINT Prediction of protein interfaces using an empirical model
open in new windowISIS Prediction of interaction hotspots from sequence
open in new windowKFC server Automated decision-tree approach to predicting protein-protein interaction hot spots
open in new windowmeta-PPISP A meta server for predicting protein-protein interaction sites. meta-PPISP is built on three individual web servers: cons-PPISP, PINUP, and Promate
open in new windowODA Identification of optimal surface patches with the lowest docking desolvation energy values
open in new windowPINUP Protein binding site prediction with an empirical scoring function

Other Sites (DNA, RNA, Metals)

open in new windowCHED Web server for predicting soft metal binding sites in proteins
open in new windowDBD-Hunter A knowledge-based method for the prediction of DNA-protein interactions
open in new windowDISPLAR Given the structure of a protein known to bind DNA, the method predicts residues that contact DNA using neural network method
open in new windowiDBPs Predicts DNA binding proteins for proteins with known 3D structure.
open in new windowPFplus
A tool for extracting and displaying positive electrostatic patches on protein surfaces which can be indicative of nucleic acid binding interfaces.

Ligand Docking

Ligand docking referred to cases where small molecule (“ligand”) is being docked into much larger macromolecule ("target"). The following is partial list of docking software, focusing on free (at least for academic institutes) and/or popular docking tools. Several studies have shown that the performance of most docking tools is highly dependent on the particular characteristics of both the binding site and the ligand to be investigated, and the determination which method would be more suitable in a specific context is difficult. We encouraged you to check several docking methods to determine which one(s) work best for your system.
  Search Methodopen Pop up info Flexibilityopen Pop up info Scoring Functionopen Pop up info Cost  
open in new windowAutoDock Stochastic (GA) Flexible ligand and partially flexible target AUTODOCK(empirical) Free
Read more info
open in new windowArgusLab


Flexible ligand X-Score based (empirical) Free
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open in new windowDOCK Systematic (IC) Flexible ligand DOCK 3.5 (force field) Free for academics
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open in new windoweHITS Systematic (RBD of fragments followed by reconstruction) Flexible ligand and partially flexible target HiTS_Score (empirical) Free for academics
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open in new windowFlexX Systematic (IC) Flexible ligand FlexX SF (empirical) Commercial  
open in new windowFLIPDock Stochastic (GA) Flexible ligand and flexible target AUTODOCK (empirical) Free for academics
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open in new windowFRED Systematic (RBD) Flexible ligand ChemScore, PLP, ScreenScore, ChemGauss (empirical/consensus) Free for non-commercial projects
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open in new windowGOLD Stochastic (GA) Flexible ligand and partially flexible target GoldScore, ChemScore (empirical), ASP (knowledge based) Commercial  
open in new windowICM Stochastic (MC) Flexible ligand and partially flexible target ICM SF (empirical) Commercial  
open in new windowParDOCK Stochastic (MC) Rigid BAPPL (empirical) open in new windowWeb Server  
open in new windowPLANTS Stochastic (ACO) Flexible ligand and partially flexible target

CHEMPLP, PLP (empirical)

Free for academics
Read more info
open in new windowSurflex Systematic (IC/MA) Flexible ligand Hammerhead based (empirical) Commercial

Binding Affinity Prediction and Scoring Functions

open in new windowBAPPL computing binding free energy of a non-metallo protein-ligand complex using an all atom energy based empirical scoring function
open in new windowBAPPL-Z Binding affinity prediction of protein-ligand complex containing Zinc
open in new windowDrugScore Knowledge-based scoring functions. DrugScore enables you to score protein-ligand complexes of your interest and to visualize the per-atom score contributions.
open in new windowFoldX Protein-protein binding energy calculations
open in new windowgCOMBINE A java-written graphical user interface for performing comparative binding energy analysis
open in new windowGFscore A general non-linear consensus scoring function for high-throughput docking
open in new windowPEARLS Computing small molecule ligand-protein, ligand-nucleic acid, protein-nucleic acid and ligand-protein-nucleic acid interaction energies
open in new windowPreDDICTA Calculates the Drug-DNA interaction energy
Compound Databases for Virtual Screening
open in new windowZINC Free database of commercially-available compounds for virtual screening
Ligand Entrance and Exit Channels
open in new windowSLITHER A web server for generating contiguous conformations of substrate molecules entering into deep active sites of proteins or migrating across membrane transporters

Protein-Protein Docking

Predicting the structure of protein–protein complexes using docking approaches is a difficult problem whose major challenges include identifying correct solutions, and properly dealing with molecular flexibility and conformational changes. The proper treatment of flexibility in protein–protein docking is still an active field of research. You first should analyzed your proteins in order to define their conformational space (check our flexibility analsis tools list) and then choose the most suitable method for your docking problem.
Search Algorithm Scoring Parameters Re-scoring, Ranking, Filtering and Refinement Cost
open in new window3D-Dock Suite Global rigid search: FFT Shape complementarity and electrostatics Re-scoring and clustering. Refinement of interface side-chains Free
open in new window3D-Garden Global rigid search in ensamble

Shape complementarity and Lennard–Jones potential

Side chain and backbone dihedral refinement

open in new windowWeb Server

open in new windowDOT Global rigid search: FFT Shape complementarity, electrostatics and VDW None Free for academics
open in new windowEscher NG Global rigid search Shape complementarity, hydrogen bonds and electrostatic None


Integrated in open in new windowVEGA
open in new windowGRAMM Global rigid search: FFT. smooth protein surface representation for soft docking Shape complementarity and Lennard-Jones potential Clustering of conformations Free
open in new windowGRAMM-X Global rigid search: FFT. smooth protein surface representation for soft docking Shape complementarity and Lennard-Jones potential minimization and re-scoring with multiple filters open in new windowWeb Server
open in new windowHEX Global rigid search: Fourier correlation of spherical harmonics Shape complementarity None Web Server
source code is available for open in new windowdownload
open in new windowHADDOCK Global rigid search Electrostatic ,VDW and desolvation energy terms MD simulated annealing refinement . Filtering based on external data. clustering and re-ranking Web server
source code is available for open in new windowdownload
ICM Global rigid search: Monte Carlo Empirical scoring function Clustering and selection of conformations. Refinement of interface side-chains and re-scoring Commercial
open in new windowMolFit Global rigid search: FFT Shape complementarity Clustering of good solutions, filtering using a priori information and small, local rigid rotations around selected conformations Free
open in new windowPatchDock Global rigid search Shape complementarity and atomic desolvation energy Clustering of conformations

open in new windowWeb Serve

source code is available for download
open in new windowPyDock Global rigid search: FFT Shape complementarity rescoring by binding electrostatics and desolvation energy open in new windowWeb Server
open in new windowRosettaDock Local rigid search: Monte Carlo with low and high resolution structure representation levels Different scoring parameters for the different resolutions   open in new windowWeb Server
source code is available by license from open in new windowRosettaCommons.
open in new windowZDOCK Global rigid search: FFT Shape complementarity, desolvation energy, and electrostatics. Energy minimization and re-scoring Free for academics
Post Docking Re-scoring, Ranking, Filtering and Refinement
open in new windowFireDock Refinement and re-scoring of rigid-body protein-protein docking solutions
open in new windowFunHunt Classifier of correct protein-protein complex orientations
RosettaDock Local docking. Useful for refining top-ranked models from global searches by other docking methods.