
Jmol is a Java molecular viewer for three-dimensional chemical and biochemical structures. Jmol can be used in 3 forms: (1) The JmolApplet which is a web browser applet that is integrated into web pages. It is ideal for development of web-based courseware and web-accessible chemical databases. The JmolApplet provides an upgrade path for users of the Chime plug-in (2) The Jmol application which is a standalone Java application that runs on the desktop (3) The JmolViewer which is a development tool kit that can be integrated into other Java applications. Jmol is an active project, and there are new features being added to it on a daily basis. Users are encouraged to modify it to fit their needs and to contribute their changes to the project.

open in new windowJmol Website.

Last update: 5 Dec. 2009, Version 11.8
Platforms: Windows, Mac OSX, Unix, Linux. Supports all major web browsers.
Charge: free